Wednesday 9 July 2014

Funding For MAKE INDIA

We want to bring the system like Learning By Making.
So that every student of INDIA can make models of different principles. So they in future they don't have to mugg up n memorise the whole course and the don't need to write the assignments.
So first we engineers do book research of 5th-12th std books
And Students of different different colleges make models on our own
Then we go to the some schools and give all the materials of all the models to make models on their own
We’re free, but love don’t pay the bills! Join this movement to share a dime, a dollar, or a million bucks…whatever fits your budget helps our budget to spread this message of creative education!
So we want fund from society to build a great community of MAKERS
So support us and Join us

Learning By Making

We in India are busy boasting about our economic growth rates and geopolitical rise but have lost sight of the deep weakness of our society. Our political and social system, for their provisional and personal benefits have been always running behind increasing Literacy Rate for showing development in Education. But, we strongly believe that Creativity now is as important in Education as Literacy, and we should treat it with the same status. So, literacy rate without any index of innovation and creativity might not be a sustainable model for 21st Century Education System. It is widely known that India is falling behind in educating students in the fields of Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics (STEM) in respect of Research and Innovation. We are here to put full of our efforts to grow a generation of students who are “makers of things, not just consumers of things.”  In technology-based fields such as Engineering, rural students are shockingly underrepresented to the environment of Making, Tinkering and DIY. There is also another problem in technological fields. Often, rural students are not given the opportunity to engage with STEM subjects in a fun, hands-on manner. This lack of opportunity to spark interest in technology limits their desire to pursue STEM careers and is part of the reason why they are so underrepresented in technology-related fields. The rural area students lack the proper resources for proper education and upbringing. We believe that we can get a lots of inventors and entrepreneurs from these areas if given proper guidance. We will not solely concentrate on the rural areas but also target the schools and colleges of the urban. So vounteers of MAKE INDIA will go to the students in primary schools and will teach them by learning by making.We need to democratize the tools and skills necessary to design and make anything from scratch, Make India Workshops and Make India Fairs at school level


Admission after 12th

For all 12th Std students and their parents. 

For Parents:- It would be more than enough from your side if you could listen to your child's passion. Don't listen to the whisper going around about future of Engineering. The only secret of success is your ability to find his Passion.
Passion is not what your child tells you what he loves, but its what you who can decide by accumulating and summarizing your 17 years experience with him/her.

Can't you find what he/she is good at?? I think its bit easy if you carefully watch his day to day lifestyle. This will be the biggest gift from your side on this 18th birthday . 

For Students: As Swami Vivekanand says "We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act." 

Listen to your heart instead of following your friends blindly. Do u remember the 
3 Idiot Scene, "Farhan lastly opted Photography". But the main point to notice was he was damn good at photography before he passed his 12th. Photography was Farhan's Passion. What about you??

So, don't think much about future, feel confidence in your self, if you have good passionate background about something, follow it. Otherwise, if don't find anything interesting in your life, I feel your parents are good and intelligent enough for selecting your Career.

Best of Luck to all of you!! As a Professor, I will be always in need of you to write new Pages of India's Progress.

Make India

Everyone talks about a need of change in present Education system in India. Why doesn't anyone work for changing this...If you have the fire and interest to change, we are here to work with you. We want your support to introduce Activity based Learning to present curriculum for each and every standard. We want to introduce Making and Designing for each and every principle that our students study. 

Indian Institute of Management(IIMA) is official Partner to this Project. Through them we have access to 35,000 schools all over Gujarat. We are going to outreach with this Making and Designing activities to Village and Tribal School first of all.

We’re free, but love don’t pay the bills! Join this movement to share a dime, a dollar, or a million bucks…whatever fits your budget helps our budget to spread this message of creative education! We even have rewards for all 

Students from all colleges, all domains are invited to join this movement and get a change to win certificates and awards from IIMA. 

This movement is purely initiated by Professors and students from various colleges. So, we assure you no one is going to get salary out of your Donation as we have no one to pay. Your help to us will be directly piped to the workshops+kits in the village schools.